This year I vowed to bulk up my programming skills in order to improve my web dev skills. I'm very happy about how far I've come in HTML5 + CSS3, but JavaScript has always been an avoided area since programming is not as fun as design for me. However, I am no longer in denial that JS is avoidable. To reinforce my motivation, I've been learning and practicing JS itself. I know jQuery, but it's hindered me from getting my hands really dirty and stretching my brain logic muscles.
To push me forward, I re-coded my portfolio on Codepen to get me back on track with Free Code Camp's training. It needs more polishing, but the point is that I completed it, so I don't stay stuck.
If you need that extra push to become a web developer, I would highly recommend Free Code Camp as a starting point. They chunk things up quite a bit, which made it a bit dull at the beginning for me. But as I progress through new territory, it has come in handy. Additionally, it gives me interesting challenges that don't cost me a dime. For added support, there are several Facebook groups, like mine, who can get you in touch with local like-minded coders.
This Thanksgiving I'm thankful for other developers who are happy to share their expertise and time to guide newbies, like me, along the way.
Happy coding!