A couple hours fewer in time spent coding this week compared to last week. But I definitely felt the effort put into making the time and keeping my focus!
This week's accomplishments included:
- completed Local Weather App for Free Code Camp
- experimentation with CSS3 flexbox and animation
- finally started work on my own personal website (that I meant set up 2 years ago...)
- better understanding of API use (.ajax vs. .getJSON) with jQuery (.keyup vs. .on('click'))
- initiated a Github portfolio
- experimented with Lubuntu installation on my old netbook
- updated RPI OS and attached a 7" touchscreen
- work and completion of my Wikipedia Viewer for Free Code Camp
- AND less time reading and more time doing!
Personally, I didn't feel like I made a lot of progress this week, but looking back through my notes, I'm proven wrong. 21 days of consistent coding is something in itself to be proud of. It's kept my mind focused on the tasks at hand so I can get back into a project a little quicker than before.
Though some days I felt scattered and wanted to avoid the big projects by starting something new, I kept at those frustrating projects anyhow. Plus, I want to get through as many Free Code Camp challenges as possible during my #100daysofcode challenge. There are a lot of neat shiny projects and learning tools available on the Internet, so it's taken a bit of willpower to stay on track.
Keep pushing forward. And happy coding!