A few more breakthroughs, new things learned, and creative ideas submerged this past week. My week's accomplishments:
- created several CSS images (bear, elephant, beaver, Daniel Tiger)
- wrote a few intermediate algorithm scripts for Free Code Camp
- updated files on Women Who Code website to adhere to established Ruby coding conventions
- started development of an Alexa skill
And, more importantly, what I've gained:
- More familiarity with Git commands and Github features.
- Deeper understanding of CSS positioning, z-index, transform, and. clip-path properties.
- New knowledge of JavaScript functionality (concat, Math).
- An introduction to VUI and Alexa skill dev.
- More confidence in myself and the idea that I can build anything I want when I put my mind to it.
Somehow I managed to squeeze in more time. Probably because I was still on a high from the prior week's accomplishments. The more I learn and discover, the more I am motivated to keep going. Additionally, I find that I have more ideas on things that I want to create! Not sure if that a perk or a burden yet. Happy coding, fellow devs!