- Solved 9 Free Code Camp intermediate algorithm scripting challenges.
- Pushed styling changes to Women Who Code website.
- Completed Skillsets course in defensive programming with JavaScript and HTML5.
- Created a beating heart out of CSS to "give" to my husband on Valentine's Day.
What I learned:
- Git rebase is annoying but a necessary evil for cleaner code history (after much toiling and assistance from fellow WWC contributors, I finally got it to work for me)
- Git push --force is also a necessary evil, but less annoying.
- Regular expressions in JavaScript are powerful and cut down on a lot of excess code.
- Split is a string property, not an array property. Lesson learnt.
- Looping is good, but sometimes data arrays and switch/case statements can just as useful.
- I've added reduce, map, and filter to my JS vocabulary and toolbox.
- I've also added "asking for help" to my repertoire. Ain't no shame in it. And I can learn a whole lot more (faster) then spending all day on Google.
- There are simple ways to make my JavaScript and HTML5 code more secure against cross-site scripting attacks. Blog posts to come...
- Always remember to make things for fun in between those learning projects. It's a true motivator!