The nice thing about not having an actual programmer's job is that I can experiment and contribute coding at work without the pressure of immediate product. A recent enhancement I got to work on while editing content on a page: changing the style of several form options that did not reference a file.
function grayOptions(){
const options = document.querySelectorAll('option[value=""]');
options.forEach(option => option.classList.add('gray-out'))
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', grayOptions, false);
I was so proud of myself! Until Internet Explorer beat me down. Why, oh, why do only half of these things work in IE?!? I removed the fat arrow function, changed out 'classList.add()' with 'className', and changed up the forEach method a bit. All to accommodate IE's partial or lack of support. Phew!
CSS-Tricks wrote a great article Loop Over querySelectorAll Matches to help me understand the forEach problem. My new solution that now works across all browsers:
function grayOut(){
const options = document.querySelectorAll('option[value=""]'),
optionsLen = options.length;
let i;
for(i = 0; i < optionsLen; ++i){
options[i].className = 'gray-out';
options[i].setAttribute('title','no file available');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', grayOut, false);
It's these little coding wins that give me the encouragement I need to keep on digging deeper into the complex art of front-end development.