For Days 90 and 91 of my 100 Days of Accessibility Challenge, I decided to browse YouTube to see what web accessibility introductions and tutorials were available for free. There were many more than I imagined! I've scraped off just a few recommendations to start you off, and YouTube's suggestions can lead you down the rabbit hole after these.
If you have half an hour or more:
- 30 Minutes or Less: The Magic of Automated Accessibility Testing by Marcy Sutton at JSConf US 2015: learn how to incorporate accessibility testing into your workflow
- Making Accessible Web Apps Using HTML5 and ChromeVox (Google): slightly dated (2012), but offers helpful coding examples when keeping accessibility in mind
- ARIA, Accessibility APIs and coding like you give a damn! by LĂ©onie Watson at Front-Trends 2015: helpful in understanding accessibility mechanics to create good interface design
- anything from the Paciello Group's ID24 playlists: with 24 hours of presentations about web accessibility, you're sure to find a topic that's relevant to your own web project
If you have less than half an hour:
- Web Accessibility Survival Guide by ThoughBot: review of developer tools to test for accessibility
- ARIA: Roles, States, and Properties by Joe Dolson: quick run-down on how ARIA works and when to use it
- anything from the A11ycasts by Google Chrome Developers playlist: coding shorts to improve web accessibility
- anything from the W3C's Perspective playlist: short tips that help improve accessibility on the web
- Accessibility Stories by Deque Systems: listen and understand the challenges that some users face when interacting with the Internet
What videos have you watched that have been helpful in making your projects more inclusive?